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Black History Month

Posted by Priya Faith on

Let’s talk about Black History Month…

Black History Month is an annual commemoration of the history, contributions, and achievements of Black people. Black History Month – celebrated throughout October- for the UK – is a concept brought from the US in the 1980s.


When launched in London in the 1980s, the aim of Black History Month was for the local community to educate themselves and others about the moments in British history that weren’t included in the curriculum and challenge racism. Throughout history, there has been a lack of representation of Black people in history books, despite their integral role in shaping this country. 


Today, the month-long event celebrates Black people rather than trying to erase them from the UK’s history. Over the years, Black History Month has matured and evolved, becoming more prominent, better funded and more focused on British history. 

Stay tuned for more on Black History Month coming soon! 



  1. Black History Month is an annual commemoration of the history, contributions, and achievements of Black people. Black History Month – celebrated throughout October- for the UK – is a concept brought from the US in the 1980s.


  1. The UK’s Black History Month was founded in 1987 by Ghanaian-born Akyaaba Addai Sebo, a special projects officer at the Greater London Council.


  1. We celebrate in October for two reasons. Firstly, because it marks the month that African chiefs and leaders traditionally gather to settle their differences. 


Secondly, because October marks the beginning of the academic year, they believed that celebrating then would give Black children a sense of pride and identity. 


  1. Black History Month celebrates Black people rather than trying to erase them from the UK’s history. Over the years, Black History Month has matured and evolved, becoming more prominent, better funded and more focused on British history. 

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